Infra & Base

The Challenge

To find a fleet management platform capable of delivering total quality in data capture across various regions of the country, customization of dashboards and reports, and automation of contract measurement with customers.


  • Loss of data from the old suppliers, making it impossible to analyze availability and utilization (among other information) in each contract;
  • High cost of rental equipment maintenance (When the driver is from customer);
  • Failure in the preventive maintenance process due to hour meter error;
  • Challenge in the contract payment flow in some operations


  • GaussFleet platform implementation in all its operations in Brazil
  • Customization of the platform (at no cost) to the reality and maturity of each operation
  • GaussFleet as a centralized data source for all types of analysis, whether related to cost reduction, safety or contract billing control


  • Measurements closing faster and without disputes;
  • With the implementation, the customer earned a valuable tool for real-time monitoring of the production pace in each contract.
  • Alameda Rio Negro 503, Suite 819

  • Alphaville, Barueri - SP

  • Av. Doutor Sílvio Menicucci, 820

  • Ignácio Valentini, Lavras - MG

  • +55 (11) 4247-5191

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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