Control, reduce, and offset the CO2 emissions of your mobile machinery fleet.

Once again, GaussFleet anticipates market trends and launches an innovation:
GaussFleet CO2: managing the CO2 journey of your mobile machinery fleet!

We support your company to:
1) Achieve part of your CO2 emission control and offset goals
2) Position yourself in the market as a responsible player on a highly relevant issue, strengthening your commitment to global regulatory bodies
3) Strengthen your brand positioning in the market and in society at large.

Global-Level Metrics and Regulation

GHG Protocol: Internationally Recognized Emissions Inventory!

GaussFleet's methodology for measuring CO2 emissions in mobile machinery fleets follows the global standards of the GHG Protocol, ensuring worldwide validity.

The GREENHOUSE GAS PROTOCOL (GHG Protocol) provides standards, guidelines, tools, and training for public and private companies, helping them measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions globally.

How the CO2 Journey Works within GaussFleet

Become a globally responsible and certified company regarding the CO2 emissions of your mobile machinery quickly and easily!

With the CO2 module activated, you gain access to an exclusive environment on the platform and automatically receive the bronze "GaussFleet CO2" badge, indicating that "measures, but has not yet offset the CO2 emissions from mobile machinery." The other badges are described below:


The company measures, but has not yet offset the CO2 emissions from mobile machinery.

What you can do:

• Download the bronze badge;
• Share it on digital platforms;
• And add it to commercial materials.


The company measures and offsets the CO2 emissions from mobile machinery.

What you can do:

• Download the silver badge;
• Download the offset certificates;
• And add them to digital platforms, commercial materials, and sustainability reports.


The company measures, offsets, and reduces CO2 emissions from mobile machinery through operational improvements.


• Download the gold badge;
• Download the offset certificates;
• Download the emission reduction certificate;
• And add them to digital platforms, commercial materials, and sustainability reports.

The silver and gold badges also involve offsetting the CO2 emitted by the mobile machinery fleet through the purchase of carbon credits, which is also offered within the CO2 module. Details about the offset process are described in a separate section further below.

Within the exclusive CO2 environment, the company will be able to analyze emission history, view carbon credit statements and purchases, download certificates and badges, and much more.

How CO2 Emissions Are Measured by GaussFleet

By measuring and controlling the performance of mobile machinery, GaussFleet facilitates:

Understanding the average fuel consumption.

Calculating CO2 emissions over any period, using the validated methodology of the GHG Protocol.

The levels of accuracy in fuel measurement range from calculations based on engine time and standard consumption per hour indicated by manufacturers to tank sensing with 99.8% precision.

Don’t worry if you’re not using advanced sensing, as the estimated method provided by the manufacturer is widely accepted.

To reduce CO2 emissions - a criterion for the gold badge - GaussFleet monitors and calculates the decrease in fuel consumption by tracking wasteful events, such as equipment idling beyond operational time. By reducing these events, the fleet emits less CO2.

The company must implement eco-driving policies to achieve this goal, and GaussFleet automatically facilitates the measurement of waste as a standard value-added feature of the platform.

Connected to Global Actions

As you progress from the bronze to the silver or gold badge, the CO2 emitted by your fleet can be offset with carbon credits from qualified global companies.

The credits are provided by accredited companies supported by international institutions such as the UNFCCC and the United Nations.

This offsetting contributes to the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13), which aims to combat climate change. By offsetting your emissions, your company supports global actions to reduce environmental impacts and demonstrates its commitment to sustainability.

Additionally, GaussFleet is working to integrate the CO2 module with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which aims to accelerate companies worldwide to support the global economy in halving emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero by 2050.

Examples of projects that sell carbon credits:
Planton will be the company responsible for converting carbon credits into decarbonization projects, committed to providing innovative solutions for the neutralization of greenhouse gas emissions.

Offset Certificate Issued by GaussFleet After Credit Purchase:

The fact that you purchase carbon credits and offset your CO2 emissions already guarantees you the silver badge and access to the offset certificates for carbon credit purchases!

And How Does the CO2 Module Activation Work?

The activation of the CO2 module involves an initial setup fee and registration with regulatory entities, along with a recurring fee based on the number of machines monitored.

For clients who choose to purchase carbon credits, the purchase is made through the CO2 module but operated by accredited companies. Monthly purchases can be paid via PIX, credit card, or bank slip.

There is also an advanced plan where the purchase of carbon credits is included in the monthly fee per monitored machine, making the process more predictable and convenient.

Contact our sales team for more details on pricing and activation of the CO2 module.

  • Alameda Rio Negro 503, Suite 819

  • Alphaville, Barueri - SP

  • Av. Doutor Sílvio Menicucci, 820

  • Ignácio Valentini, Lavras - MG

  • +55 (11) 4247-5191

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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